Wednesday, November 5

Day 51-52 Acids and Bases (53 & 54 testing)

Started by watching Brain Pop Acids and Bases (subscription required) or Study Jams Acids and Bases (Scholastic - free)

Completed cut and paste notes

I showed a video clip about a "glowing pickle" by Steve Spangler and a song by Mr. Parr.

We did a lab using different chemicals and litmus paper (red and blue) to test for pH including:
  • lemon juice
  • orange juice
  • window cleaner (make sure it contains ammonia)
  • water
  • vinegar
  • dish soap (use plain - not lemon or scented and name brand - concentrated works best)
  • baking soda and water solution
  • salt and water solution
We wrapped up by doing a simulation in the computer lab.  There are 12 solutions students can test including drain cleaner, blood and vomit.

Next: Days 53 & 54 paper and pencil assessment on bonding and chemical compounds then mixtures...