Friday, August 29

Day 9 & 10 Math Skills in Science

I used density Science Starter as a formative assessment for the previous days lesson.

Our new topic - skills Scientists need including: estimation, significant figures, central tendency, accuracy & precision, anomalous data and percent error.  Students filled out the following notes in their notebooks:

We practiced each skill:
Estimating populations of fish, calculating mean, median, mode and range, working a percent error problem, watching Brain Pop Precision and Accuracy, and correcting the answer to the Science starter for significant figures.

Next: Graphing

Wednesday, August 27

Day 7 & 8 Measurement

I use this warm-up from to assess how well my students use a metric ruler:
My students should know how to convert metric units from their math class but they can always use a little practice.  I review how to use the ladder method:
Students use their textbook to make a list of common measurements, tools and units in their notebooks.

We spend the rest of class practicing density and volume problems.  I like the Quick Density Guide and Practice from Travis Terry.
Next: Skills Scientists use...

Monday, August 25

Day 5 & 6 Using the textbook

Our 1st Day with the textbook.
I started with text features.  Here is a poster I made for my class (inspired by Pinterest) - you can find it free here.
We also worked on skills Scientists use.  I made vocabulary strips for students to cut, sort and paste in their notebooks.
Next class - measurement...

Thursday, August 21

Day 3 & 4 Safety

Safety Safety Safety!
We reviewed the Safety Contract (I use the one from Flinn).
Students designed a Safety Symbol for our class and described why it was important.  Here a few examples...
We finished with a Safety Quiz (also from Flinn).

Tuesday, August 19

Day 1 & 2 Rules and Routines

(Our school is on a block schedule)
Very Busy!!!
Completed the Capturing Kids Hearts - Social Contract (see below) and the Scavenger Hunt.  I think for next year I'll include items from the textbook...
Overall it was a great first day!

Thursday, August 14

Planning Day 5 (lab supplies)

Last teacher workday...

Lab Supplies
I have a small bucket ($1 from Target) with scissors, calculators and glue on each lab table.
I love Tap 'N Glue caps. The glue holds better in notebooks than glue sticks and I fill the bottles every couple of weeks instead of replacing glue sticks daily. *Bonus - less waste.

If you google, you can find them at several places for a wide variety of prices. *Watch out for shipping!

I saw a tip on Pinterest for keeping glue bottles from clogging.
Next on my list - 1st day of school!

Wednesday, August 13

Planning Day 4 (seating charts, 1st day plans)

Seating charts, lab supplies and 1st day plans...

Seating Chart
I use a Microsoft PowerPoint template for my seating chart.  It's easy to drag and drop to make it look like your classroom and to change seats in the middle of the year.

1st day plans
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • What students want to know
  • Social Contract
  • Marshmallow Challenge (I'll use this if I have time)
Scavenger hunt - I adapted one that I found on The Science Spot.
On the 1st day, I hand students the half page worksheet as they walk in the door and give them 5 minutes to find answers to questions like:
  • Where can I find extra pencils, pencil sharpener, stapler, kleenex etc.
  • Identify where homework is turned in
  • What is the URL of the class website
  • How can I contact the teacher
What Students Want to Know
After 5 minutes I ask students to find their assigned seats (see seating chart) then we review the answers during a discussion of the 5 things students want to know. 
  1. Where do I sit - see seating chart
  2. What am I going to learn - I use the brochure with the list of topics
  3. How will I be graded - I use the goal sheet (see bulletin board)
  4. What are the class rules & expectations - 5 short rules and Whole Brain Teaching ideas: Class - Yes, Teach - Ok and Hand - Eyes.
  5. Who is the teacher - I show a picture of me in middle school, they always laugh at my hair
Social Contract
I like the ideas from Capturing Kids Hearts and this pin on Pinterest.
Here's what mine looks like:

I found a template and directions to print on "sticky notes."  I use the 3x3 size on a desktop printer.
I'm not brave enough to try it on the copier at school. The small ones tend to get stuck and I haven't tried the larger ones. 

Lab supplies (ran out of time today - see later post)

Next on my list - Orientation and the 1st day of School...

Tuesday, August 12

Planning Day 3 (school supplies)

Today I made a "Skitch" of the school supplies students need.
*Skitch is the app you can use to draw funny stuff on top of pictures (that's what my kids use it for).
Next on my list - seating charts, lab supplies, 1st day plans...

Monday, August 11

Planning Day 2 (class brochure)

My next project is updating the Welcome to Science brochure. 
I use the brochure for parents during orientation and for students on the 1st day as their syllabus and welcome to class.  
I leave blanks so students can fill in during class.  This makes reviewing class procedures more interactive.

How to make your own:
1. Open a  Word document
2. Go to Page Layout and change the margins to .05
3. Also in Page Layout – change orientation to Landscape
4. Also in Page Layout – click columns – change to 3, change the column width to 3 and the spacing to .05
5. Add information (see basic layout below)

I have used this format for several years and it works out great!  I get compliments from parents and its amazing to see students still have their copies on the last day of school. 

***It helps that I reference it during the year when questions like "What are we doing next?" "How did I get that grade?" "Do we have an online textbook?" are asked.

Next on my list....update the class website

Thursday, August 7

Planning Day 1 (bulletin boards)

Today I worked on my bulletin boards.

This is my "Word Wall." 

The posters above the board are from Scholastic, the vocabulary strips are my own design, the scientist is from Teach Smart, the mean, median, mode anchor poster is from Teaching with a Cup of Tea, the variables and observation anchor charts are from Pinterest (couldn't find a credit) and the graph anchor charts (TAILS, DRY MIX and types) I made.
I will also have a board for Safety where students will design and explain a Safety Symbol they think is needed in our classroom. 
Here's one I REALLY need - I'm always walking into lab tables!

Next on the "to do list" is my Welcome to Science brochure...