Wednesday, August 13

Planning Day 4 (seating charts, 1st day plans)

Seating charts, lab supplies and 1st day plans...

Seating Chart
I use a Microsoft PowerPoint template for my seating chart.  It's easy to drag and drop to make it look like your classroom and to change seats in the middle of the year.

1st day plans
  • Scavenger Hunt
  • What students want to know
  • Social Contract
  • Marshmallow Challenge (I'll use this if I have time)
Scavenger hunt - I adapted one that I found on The Science Spot.
On the 1st day, I hand students the half page worksheet as they walk in the door and give them 5 minutes to find answers to questions like:
  • Where can I find extra pencils, pencil sharpener, stapler, kleenex etc.
  • Identify where homework is turned in
  • What is the URL of the class website
  • How can I contact the teacher
What Students Want to Know
After 5 minutes I ask students to find their assigned seats (see seating chart) then we review the answers during a discussion of the 5 things students want to know. 
  1. Where do I sit - see seating chart
  2. What am I going to learn - I use the brochure with the list of topics
  3. How will I be graded - I use the goal sheet (see bulletin board)
  4. What are the class rules & expectations - 5 short rules and Whole Brain Teaching ideas: Class - Yes, Teach - Ok and Hand - Eyes.
  5. Who is the teacher - I show a picture of me in middle school, they always laugh at my hair
Social Contract
I like the ideas from Capturing Kids Hearts and this pin on Pinterest.
Here's what mine looks like:

I found a template and directions to print on "sticky notes."  I use the 3x3 size on a desktop printer.
I'm not brave enough to try it on the copier at school. The small ones tend to get stuck and I haven't tried the larger ones. 

Lab supplies (ran out of time today - see later post)

Next on my list - Orientation and the 1st day of School...