Thursday, October 30

Day 47-48 Testing the Periodic Table

Students had a study guide and flash cards, I like the flashcards and pocket in the template pack from Mad Science Lessons (Chris Kesler).

To practice for the quiz, I used the flashcards at the begining of class as students arrive.  I stand outside my classroom and show each student a symbol or name.  They have to tell me the opposite as their "entrance ticket."  If they get it wrong, they go to the back of the line.  It gets really competitive - students want to be in the "one and done" club.  If a student has gotten a few wrong, I give hints...

 If students had time after the test we made Atomic Superheroes using the properties of an element as "super powers."

Next: Bonding...

Tuesday, October 28

Day 43 - 46 The Periodic Table

We started with an inquiry activity (Aims Fabulous Eggs) Love this! Students classify eggs, looking for patterns.  There is only 1 solution then mystery eggs are included.  Great way to start looking at trends.

Next was vocabulary with the parts of an atom foldable:
Then coloring the periodic table with the metals, nonmetals and metalloids.  I love this free graphic organizer from Travis Terry (TPT). *Had to add chemical properties to meet our standards
Finally we took notes on the physical and chemical properties of Periodic Table Families (groups) and colored another periodic table.

Next: Bonding...

Monday, October 27

End of the 1st Quarter!!!

Only 135 days to go...

I changed my seating chart to reflect not only test scores but personalities, now that I "know" students.
I use Kagan cooperative learning strategies.

If you look close at the seating chart, I have A's and B's for each student (this is for partner activities).  I also use the 1, 2, 3, 4 for lab group jobs when students move to lab tables.

I also took the time to review the policies and procedures again *especially the ones that students are having the most problems following :(
  • Push in your chairs and keep the lab and table area clean (safety!!!)
  • Be prepared (notebook, textbook - with homework complete, pencil)
  • Grading Policy
  • What to do when you are absent
  • Behavior expectations (We have the right to a classroom where we can learn. We have the responsibility to act in a way that allows others to learn.)
  • Resources (online textbook...)
Now, back to Science...

Thursday, October 16

Day 37 - 42 1st Quarter Exam & Review

We did several things to review for the 1st Quarter Exam including:
  1. Study Guide
  2. Online Jeopardy (free) or Interactive Jeopardy (every student participates)
    Answer sheet & question cards (read outloud or use under a document reader)
  3. Flash cards
  4.  Fan and Pick (Kagan strategy) I used the same information from the study guide and flash cards except I put the question and answer on the same side of the card (see below).  Students work in groups of 3 or 4.  One student fans the cards, 2nd student picks a card, 3rd student reads the card.  The person that gets the answer correct keeps the card then they switch jobs. ex. 2nd student fans, 3rd student picks, 4th student reads.
*Students really like this  - they get very competitive!
Next: The Periodic Table...

Wednesday, October 8

Day 35 & 36 Physical and Chemical Changes

We made a foldable on Physical and Chemical Changes and Properties.
 We did 2 labs:

Physical Changes - Chromatography (dot of black marker *Mr. Sketch or Vis a Vis on a coffee filter dipped in water) students explain why black markers are not just black ink - mixture that can be separated.
Top - Vis a Vis, Bottom - Mr. Sketch (left black) (right purple)

Chemical Changes - Exploding Bags (Ziploc bags with baking soda wrapped in toilet paper, dropped in vinegar) students should describe the "signs" of  a chemical change

Watched  a video (Brain Pop - Property Changes, Generation Genius: Chemical vs Physical Changes or Chemical Reactions *subscription required)

Next: Getting ready for our 1st Quarter Exams...

Monday, October 6

Day 33 & 34 Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter

Students did a physical and chemical properties (sort) cut and paste in their notebooks.  I love these - so easy to tell if a student understands or not!  While we worked we listened to a Mr. Edmonds song.

Afterwards I had students close their notebooks and do a Kagan strategy - Give one Get one.
  1. Students make 4 columns on a piece of paper (2 columns are the "give one" the other 2 are the "get one"). 
  2. In the first "give one" column they list as many properties as they can remember.  In the 2nd "give one" column they list whether it is a physical or chemical property.
  3. After they finish they ask other students (stand up, hand up, pair up) to give one and they share one of theirs and move to the next student.  *I only allow students to share 1 answer each.
Next: Physical and Chemical Changes...

Thursday, October 2

Day 31 & 32 Measuring Matter

We have reviewed how to solve easy density problems (mass and volume given).  Today we are "bumping it up!"

I made a Mass, Volume & Density (triangle) foldable that students rotate - putting the unknown variable on top to solve.

We watched either Bill Nye Measurement (on School Tube) or Brain Pop Measuring Matter (requires subscription).

Next: Physical and Chemical Properties...