Monday, August 5

Back to School Planning Checklist

Back to school already?

Time to make a list…

  • Supplies (sticky notes, tissues, a timer, pencils, highlighters, scissors, glue, pencil sharpener, clipboard, stapler, binder clips, dry erase markers, magnets, stamps, hand sanitizer, cleaning supplies - disinfecting wipes & paper towels)
  • Seating Charts (its hard for me to remember names so I stand at the door as students are coming in and show them the chart which is also on the board and help direct them) I also make a seating chart for my desk with student's pictures
I modified a standard seating chart from desks to lab tables in ppt.
I put students names in and can drag and drop to change seating arrangements.
  • 1st day activities with students

I'm starting with Lab Safety.  This also makes a great classroom display for Open House.  I review the safety procedures in the lab, let students try on aprons and goggles and demonstrate how to properly wear them then they make their own safety symbol.

Hope your year starts off great!

Back to School Science Escape Room - Easy & No Prep!

 My students love escape rooms!  I don't love the prep:(

These digital escape rooms are so easy to use and no prep! Just give your students 1 link (goes to a Google Site) or have them use the QR code (display on a document reader/projector or print the 1 page sheet and have them scan with their phones) they do the rest. Each clue leads to the next and they can't advance until the get the previous one correct. *Google Forms gives them as many tries as they need! 

Of course there is a print option which you can do as a traditional escape room where they solve one clue at a time or as a "Breakout" where you give them all the clues at once and they race to beat other teams.

Here are some other escape rooms that also use Google Sites/Forms and have a print option.  

I hope your students love them as much as mine!