Thursday, April 14

FSSA Test Review Schedule

Our state test is similar to the TEKS and REGENTS.

About 2 (10 days) weeks to review so 2 days for each strand then 1 day general/catch-up (board game), 1 day brain dump using the reference sheet students will be given to use on the test.

We have a “Practice” FSSA to determine which topics need more review.  We use the textbook test but you could use a released test.

The basic schedule:

  • Give crossword (Nature of Science, Physical Science 1, PS 2, Life Science 1, LS 2, Earth/Space Science) as homework the night before
  • Check answers in class
  • Lab stations or an activity based on student level of knowledge
  • BINGO *enrichment if time
  • Vocabulary Quiz (formative assessment)