Tuesday, May 12

157-162 History of Space Exploration

We took Cornell Notes on the history of Space.

then watched the 1995 Apollo 13 Movie. (Trailer)

Discussion questions (Credit: moviesheets.com)
  1. Who was the commander of the 1st manned spacecraft to land on the moon? 
  2. How long does it take to get to the moon?
  3. Why was the Apollo 13 crew changed at the last moment?
  4. Where do they launch from?
  5. Where is Mission Control located?
  6. Explain “lift off” in terms of Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion? (draw a diagram)
  7. Why did the helmets float away from the crew? 
  8. What does the crew have to dock with when they get to space?  Why?
  9. What event led to the explosion on the command module? 
  10. What is venting from the space craft into space?
  11. What do they have to do to save both power and O2?
  12. Why did the LEM (Aquarius) become a “lifeboat”?  
  13. Why were communications lost on the far side of the moon?
  14. The "lifeboat" that the three astronauts used to survive in on their way back to Earth, was only designed for two astronauts. What was the life threatening problem that developed?
  15. How did Houston solve the problem?
  16. What point of reference does Lovell use to guide the LEM during the short engine burn?
  17. What was the problem with powering up for the re-entry sequence?
  18. Why is there condensation on the windows of the Command Module?
  19. What does the Command Module look like as it enters Earth’s atmosphere?  Why?
  20. How long did the Apollo 13 mission last?

Next up: Space Technology...