Friday, February 27

Solar System Scale Model

It was cold and rainy outside so I couldn't do the toliet paper Solar System Scale Models so I came up with Plan B....

We watched Spaced Out: Planets are Spatial

If you don't have a lot of time watch 209 Seconds That Will Make You Question Your Entire Existence....

Generation Genius: The Solar System also is a good video - although it requires a subscription.

After the video, I gave students a 61.5 cm piece of adding machine paper and asked them to make a model of the Solar System. *most models were planet order, some were size but none were distance

After comparing the different models, I then gave them directions and they flipped the paper over and did it again. 

I had students compare their initial and final models and make observations.

Update: I made a version that students could complete at home with easy to follow directions and all the supplies that they needed (just 2 pieces of paper).
Next up: Rotation and Revolution...