Monday, September 22

Day 21 & 22 History of Atomic Theory

We started out by watching the Brain POP - Atomic Models (subscription required).

Students made a foldable/cut and paste for their notebooks.

I made "Scientist Sticks" so students could see the "real" scientist.  (Images of Democritus, Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and Chadwick taped them to craft sticks.) 
I walked around the room with them as we discussed the discoveries then clipped them to the board and summed up the information.

It open up a great discussion on how the technology of pictures had changed, and what they wore, hair etc. 

We did a Rutherford simulation using marbles (alpha particles) and a hidden geometric shape (nucleus) hidden under a piece of cardboard (gold foil).  Students had to make a hypothesis about what shape was hidden then identify what each part of the model simulated.  I found an online version that students could watch at home.

Next: Describing Matter...