Friday, September 13

4 Ways to Use your Classroom Display as an Activity

I display various anchor charts around my classroom such as these Science Measurement Tools Anchor Charts.

Click image if you're looking for ready-to-use materials

Depending on the amount of time we have, students can do one of these activities: 
  1. Scavenger Hunt - Divide into teams.  Give students a list of tools and ask them to write down what it measures. *Extend by having teams find the actual tools after completing the list.
    • Thermometer - temperature
    • Spring Scale - weight
    • Balance - mass
    • Graduated Cylinder - liquid volume
    • Ruler - length
    • Stopwatch - time
  2. Interactive Lab Stations - Set up stations with measurement tools.  Students rotate through the stations using each tool to measure. 
  3. Poster Project - Students choose  a measurement tool and make their own chart explaining how to properly use it. *Click here  for examples
  4. Exit Ticket - Students answer a question about a measurement tool before leaving class.  Write the question on the board and have students write down their answer.
    • What does a ruler measure?  length
    • What Science tool would you use to measure liquid volume? graduated cylinder
    • What Science tool measures how long something lasted? stopwatch
    • What Science tool uses the standard units grams (g) and kilograms (kg)? balance
    • What are the standard units does a thermometer use? Celsius or Kelvin (K)
    • What Science tool is used to measure the amount of gravity on an object? spring scale
My students like getting out of their seats and there's not much prep for most of these activities.

Wednesday, September 11

Boost Science Safety in the Classroom with Tools & Equipment Anchor Charts

Looking for a way to ensure your students understand and use science tools and safety equipment properly? This resource is perfect for you! 

The Science Tools & Safety Equipment Anchor Charts provide clear, visual references for middle schoolers. The charts cover essential lab tools and safety rules, making it easier for students to follow proper procedures during experiments. 

These charts can be displayed in your classroom or used as a teaching guide to reinforce safety protocols and tool identification.

Check it out here.

Use the Upcoming Lunar Eclipse to Engage Students

The next lunar eclipse (partial) will occur on Sept. 17-18, 2024, and it will be visible from the Americas, western Europe, and parts of Africa. To find out the times in your area, click this link.

One of the best strategies to help students understand and retain information about lunar eclipses is by using visual and hands-on tools. Here’s how you can incorporate these resources effectively:

1. Solar & Lunar Eclipse Anchor Charts
Start your lunar eclipse unit by displaying a large, colorful anchor charts that outlines important terms like "umbra," "penumbra”. Use simple diagrams to show the alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Moon during a lunar eclipse. Anchor charts can be left up for students to refer to throughout the lesson, serving as a helpful visual reminder.

2. Online Video
This short video allows students to visualize eclipses in action. It illustrates the shadow's movement across the moon including the umbra, penumbra and explains why the moon appears red.

3. Foldable Booklet
Foldables can help students review the phases of the moon, label a diagram of a lunar eclipse, and allow them to organize information in a fun and creative format. Students can fill out each section, reinforcing key concepts through active participation. This foldable also acts as a study tool they can revisit later.

4. Sorting Activity
To wrap up your lunar eclipse lesson using a sorting activity that allows students to compare and contrast solar and lunar eclipse facts. This not only checks for understanding but can also provide a collaborative learning opportunity if students work together to complete the activity.

If you're looking for ready-to-use materials, check out the lunar eclipse foldable booklet and anchor charts to save time while delivering a high-quality lesson.